When does school start?

School Day

  • The school day is from 8:00 a.m. to 2:11 p.m. The 1st bell rings at 7:40 am.
  • Students may come as early as 7:30 a.m. to eat breakfast in the cafeteria.
  • Hallway doors will open at 7:40 a.m for students to go to their lockers.
  • Opportunity Period is from 7:40 – 7:55 am. Students have the opportunity to visit each teachers class to receive help or make-up missing work. 
  • Office Hours

    • The main office is open from 6:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. 
    • Appointment is required.

How can I get to/from school?

Bus Procedures/Rules

  • Students are expected to ride assigned buses unless permission is granted through the CCSD transportation department.
  • Students must be careful when approaching bus stops. They are to walk on the left side of the road toward oncoming traffic.
  • If it is necessary to cross the road when leaving a bus, students must wait for a signal from the driver and then cross in front of the bus.
  • Any damage done to the seats or other equipment by the student must be paid for by the student or his/her parents.
  • Students should follow the school’s expectations for behavior. Buses should be clean, reasonably quiet, and safe.
  • CCSD Transportation Link

Student Drop-Off

  • School buses drop off students at the South end of the building behind the cafeteria. Once students are at school, students are not allowed to leave school. If parents are dropping students off, they should do so in the of the school.

Late Activities Bus

  • It is the policy of Francis Cortney Junior High School to provide a wide range of after-school activities for its students. To facilitate this program, a late bus is provided for participating students who normally ride the bus and who live at least two miles from school. Only those students who actually participate in school-sponsored activities will be allowed to take advantage of this transportation. It is the students’ responsibility to ask the teacher for a bus pass before leaving the activity for the day. Office personnel will NOT issue a late bus pass. The late bus is scheduled to depart from school on Mon-Thurs at 3:25 p.m.

CCSD Transportation: Student transportation may be found on the CCSD website.
http://ccsd.net/schools/transportation/ or by calling 799-8111


What are our after-school activities?

After School Pick-Up of Students

  • Buses leave approximately 2:16 p.m., so hurry!!
  • Parents/guardians should pick students up in the front parking lot away from the buses for safety reasons.

After School Options

  • Go home (bus, walk, or wait by the front doors if being picked-up)
  • If students are involved in an after-school activity or staying with a teacher, students must report to the supervising teacher immediately after school. Students must be supervised at all times by a teacher or staff member.
  • Go to after-school tutoring.
  • Join a club.

Boys and Girls Club of Henderson (401 Drake St., 565-6568)

  • The Boys and Girls Club runs after school activities for students.

Whitney Library (5175 Tropicana Avenue)

  • The Whitney Library offers free drop-in tutoring for Cortney students. Monday through Thursday from 4 pm to 6 pm.

How can my parents call me at school?

Telephones/Telephone Calls

  • Due to student safety concerns, messages will not be delivered to students.
  • In the event of a family emergency, parents must come to the school and present ID to the front office.
  • Students may use a cell phone before school, during lunch, and after school.
  • If students use a cell phone during class or have it out other than permitted times, the phone may be confiscated and held in the dean’s office. The student or parent/guardian may pick it up in the Deans’ Office after school.
  • Students may use the dean’s phone with permission.

Who is allowed to come to my school?


  • Parents or guardians must sign in at the front office and obtain a visitor pass. Twenty four hours notice will be required for parents to visit classrooms.
  • Younger family members, other relatives and friends may not come to school with students. Pets are not allowed on campus.

2019-2020 School Bell Schedule 

Opportunity Period   7:40 – 7:55 a.m.
Period 1   8:00 – 8:55 a.m.
Period 2   8:59 – 9:51 a.m.

Period 3


9:55 – 10:47 am

First Lunch – 800’s, 200’s
Period 4
  10:47 -11:17 a.m.
11:21 – 12:19 pm
Period 4
Second Lunch – 700’s630, 201
Period 4

10:51 – 11:18 am
11:18 – 11:48 pm
11:52 – 12:19 pm

Period 4
Third Lunch – 600’s, 904, PE
  10:51 – 11:49 pm
11:49 – 12:19 pm
Period 5   12:23 – 1:15 pm
Period 6   1:19 – 2:11 pm
After School Activities   2:30 – 3:15 pm



When is my lunch?

Lunch times are based on your 4th period teacher. Check with your 4th period teacher to see which lunch you are assigned:


Cortney Junior High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus for lunch.

  • Students and parents can pre-pay for school lunch; this should be done before the school day or during the lunch period. Parents may also utilize the online service to pay for student lunches with a credit card.


What if I miss School?

Consistent student attendance is key to their success. If students are absent:

  • Excused Absence – An absence from any class or the entire school day is considered excused if parents/guardians submit a signed note to the attendance office within three days of absence. Absence notes must contain: student name, student number, reason for absence, dates of absence, parent/guardian signature and parent phone number. Students may be excused for the following reasons: illness, serious person/family matter, unavoidable professional appointment, or an approved school related activity.
  • Unexcused Absence – an absence from any class or school day is considered unexcused if it results from: no written explanation was submitted from a parent/guardian within three days of the absence or the absence was for reasons not defined “excused.”
  • Truancy – Truancy is an unexcused absence without parent/ guardian knowledge, which indicates a willful and premeditated violation of attendance regulations.
  • Make-Up Work – Students are responsible for getting all make up work from their teachers.


  • Students arriving late to school should proceed to class and the tardy would generally unexcused- exceptions will be made for doctor’s appointment.
  • Students are expected to be on time to all classes during the day. students arriving late to class be issued a consequence from their teacher and/or the Deans’ office.
  • Tardy Sweeps: Random tardy sweeps will be conducted by the deans’ office throughout the school year to encourage students to be on time. The tardy sweep policy is cumulative and will be enforced by the deans’ office for each of the two semesters. At the start of the second semester the tardy count returns to zero.

How can I leave school if needed?

Leaving School

  • Students may only leave school with their parent /guardian. Parents must make sure the school has an official record of all authorized individuals to pick up their student.
  • Students leaving on their own during school will receive consequences for their actions.

Withdrawal From School

  • If students move during the year or change schools, parents/guardians must check with the registrar for the necessary paperwork.
  • Parents/Guardians must come to school to withdrawal a student from school.

Where do I keep my personal items?

Backpacks/Personal Bag

  • Students will no longer be assigned a locker. 
  • All items need to be stored in Backpacks, backpack purses and large purses are to be carried by students during the school day. 
  • Keep money and other valuables at home (including nuisance items such as baseball cards, electronics, and jewelry).
  • CJHS is not responsible for stolen electronics or other personal items.
  • Before leaving your class, check to see that you have all your belongings.

Can I have electronics at school?

Cell Phones, CD Players, MP3 Players, Game boys, PSP’s, Etc…

  • CD players, MP3 players, Ipod, Game boys, PSP’s and cameras are not allowed on campus and are considered a nuisance item. All electronics are the student’s responsibility and if they are lost or stolen the school will not be held responsible.If students are using electronics during class or passing periods, they will be confiscated. The items will be released to parents.
    Cell Phones are permitted for use only before and after school and during the lunch period. Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight during the remainder of the school day. Cell phones are not permitted in P. E. locker rooms.




What items are considered nuisances items? 

  • Gum, laser pens, permanent markers, toys, scooters, skateboards, sports cards or collectible items, white-out, electronic items (as listed on the “Can I have electronics at school?” FAQs page), and rubber bands, etc. In addition, personal grooming items such as aerosols, perfumes, colognes, mouthwash or sprays.
  • These items are not permitted at school and may be confiscated. The items would be released to parents. In addition, students must choose appropriate times for personal grooming activities.



Lost and Found 

  • Lost clothing, backpacks and other personal items will be placed in the lost and found. The Lost and Found is located in the cafeteria. Remember:
  • Leave valuables at home.
  • Small purses should be kept with the students at all times.
  • Mark physical education clothes, coats, sweaters, etc. With the student’s name.
  • Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the conclusion of the school year.



What happens if I lose my textbook? 

Fees and Fines

Students are responsible for items assigned to them at Francis H. Cortney Junior High School. Damage or loss of these items, will result in a fee. Payment must be made by cash or money order payable to “Francis H. Cortney Junior High School”.
Personal checks will not be accepted.




What should I do if there is an emergency? 

Emergency Closure Information

  • In case of an emergency school closure for weather of other emergency situations please listen to the following stations for more information:
    • TV: Channels 3,5,8, and 13

Fire Drill/Shelter in place

  • The Fire Alarm will sound in the event of a fire or evacuation.
  • Follow all teacher instructions!!
  • Shelter in Place may be utilized for other emergencies. When a shelter in place is announced, remain in the classroom. If students are outside of a classroom, they must proceed to the nearest room with a staff member in it and remain there.


  • In the event of an emergency that warrants a school evacuation to an alternate site, CCSD Crisis Management will work with school personnel to reunify parents and students.

**If school must be closed for an emergency, all activities will be cancelled.




Health Office 

  • The Health office is located near the main office. The First Aid and safety Assistant (FASA) will be on duty during school hours. In addition, a nurse visits the school on a regular bases and is called for emergencies.
  • Students must obtain a pass from the teacher to go to the Health office in case of illness, injury or any other health-related problem.
  • The Health Office is available for first aid emergency situations.

If a student needs to go home, FASA will contact the students parents/guardian and request that they come pick the student up. Parents are requested to make sure emergency contact is always updated on a regular basis.




How can my parents/guardians help keep me healthy? 

Health Tips

  • Please do not send children to school if they are very ill, for example: if they are (a) vomiting or have diarrhea, (b) fever, (c) an injury that occurred at home requiring attention by a doctor, (d) questionable rashes, (e) lice.
  • Parents must provide the school with at least three (3) workable emergency numbers.
  • In a life threatening emergency, school personnel will call 911.
  • If a student must take medication at school, parents must fill out the appropriate forms in the Health Office and present the medication to the FASA. Some medication such as inhalers may be carried with the student. Check with the health office for appropriate procedures.
  • Students may not carry medicine with them or share with others.
  • Any student giving any medication to another student will face suspension and possible expulsion from school.
  • Students must have all shots up to date before coming to school.
  • Notify the Health Office and the Cafeteria if the student is known to have any food or other allergies



How can I be successful in my classes? 

Homework Expectations

  • All CJHS students should have homework each night. Parents may verify this activity by checking their student’s Cobra Planner each night or by checking the Parent Link Online web site.

    Report Cards

  • Report cards provide room for academic grades and teacher comments. Letter grades signify the level of success.

    Passing Period

  • Students have four minutes for passing between classes. This allows plenty of time for students to get drinks and use the bathroom. Students are expected to be in their seats, quiet, with class materials, and ready to learn as indicated by the teacher when the bell rings.
  • Students who do not follow hallway rules will receive consequences through the Dean’s Office.

    Hall Passes

  • Teachers will issue hall passes during instructional time.
  • All students must carry their pass with them at all times in the hall.

    Student Restrooms

  • Students should use the restrooms located in the hall closest to their class.
  • Students should not leave their hallway area during passing periods.


  • To be successful, students should bring their supplies to class every day.


  • It is the students’ Responsibility to take care of textbooks assigned to them and return the same book in good condition to their teacher at the end of the school year. A fee will be charged for a lost, stolen or damaged book.



What might happen if I don’t follow the rules? 

Student Conduct & Expectations

Students are expected to follow all Cortney Junior High School regulations, the CCSD Student Code of Conduct and all regulations described.  Students should be mindful of the 3R’s of behavior, Respect, Responsibility and Relationships. A Hands-off policy will be followed at all times. Students who do not follow the rules and expectations may be referred to the Deans’ Office and may expect the following possible consequences

Verbal Warning


  • Individual teachers may assign detentions after school for minor infractions.
  • The Deans’ Office after-school detention will be served from 3:30p.m. – 430 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Deans’ detentions will not be held on Friday

In-House Suspension

Required Parent Conference (RPC)- two types

RPC-B- The student will remain in school and a parent conference is required.

RPC-T- The student will be temporarily removed from school until a parent conference has been held. Depending upon the severity of the infraction, other consequences such as suspension, recommendation for behavioral program, expulsion, etc. may follow.

Suspension/Behavioral Program/ Expulsion – For continual or severe infractions suspension or recommendation for behavioral program/expulsion may be utilized. Cortney JHS has a “zero tolerance” policy for gangs, drugs and weapons. Students involved in the following crimes will be subject to expulsion and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law:

  • ARSON – The willfull burning of property.
  • ASSAULT and/or BATTERY ON A SCHOOL EMPLOYEE – Physical and or threats of physical abuse directed at a school employee.
  • DRUGS/ALCHOHOLIC BEVERAGES – Use, possession and/or distribution of a controlled and/or illicit substance or any substance represented to be such.
  • IMMORAL CONDUCT – Contact as it pertains to sexual behavior between individuals.
  • WEAPONS – possession, use, transmittal or concealment of ANY operable or intolerable weapon.


Standard Student Attire Guidelines 

Cortney students will observe student standard attire guidelines daily unless otherwise noted by the school administrator.

Students will be required to change clothing if its determined to be inappropriate for school.

If a free dress day is declared by the administration, CCSD dress code guidelines will be observed.

  • Denim pants in basic/ optional colors
  • Shirts/blouses (long & short sleeves) with collars
  • Shirts/blouses solid only (no pattern- no words) in basic/optional colors with or without school logo.
  • Sweaters in basic/optional colors, solid, patterns, no words worn over approved shirts.
  • Sweaters/sweat suits – solid in basic/optional colors (no words with or without logo)
  • Shorts, skirts or skorts ( no blue jean material)
  • Jumpers/dresses (no blue jean material)
  • Ties in basic or optional colors, solid, patterns, no words permitted.
  • Additional stricter guidelines are: clothes must be sized to fit.
  • Basic colors of khaki, navy, and white will be required at all Standard Student Attire schools
  • Cortney Junior High School will also have black, gold/yellow and gray as optional colors.



What About Sports? 

Girls and Boys basketball are open for tryouts to all students during the season.

Seasonal intramural such as basketball, soccer and tennis are open to all students.

Parents must transport students from practice by the time designated by the coach and games by 5:30 p.m. (most games are completed by this time).

All participants must have a 2.0 GPA and a completed athletics packet, which includes proper insurance, parent permission, and current physical examination on the appropriate form, on file in the Athletic office BEFORE students may tryout and participate.



What are the rules for school dances?

Dance Regulations

  • Students are expected to remain in the building, at a dance, for the entire session. Students who leave the building will not be allowed back into the building. Once a student leaves the building/dance, the student must leave the school.
  • School dances will be held immediately after School. Students must have their own transportation. Students who have received an RPC will not be allowed in the dance or any other activities.
  • Only CJHS students will be allowed at the school dances. Guest passes will not be issued. All of the school rules apply.
  • Remember: all school rules are in effect at these events. Normal school procedures will be followed regarding consequences for any student who breaks the rules.


Why do I need to remember my Student Number? 

Lunch Identification

  • Student numbers are used to order lunch in the cafeteria.
  • Students and parents may pre-pay lunches; this should be done before the school day or during the lunch period. Parents may also utilize the online service to pay for student lunches with a credit card.

Library/Media Center

  • Student numbers are used to check out books from library.
  • Students may re-check a book if more time is needed to read them. Students with overdue books however will not be allowed to check out more books until the overdue items are returned. If the overdue item cannot be found the students is responsible for paying for the item.


Who can help my student if they have problems? 

Bullies/ Harassment

Bullies will not be tolerated at Cortney Junior High School. If someone is bothering a Student there are many people who can help:

  • Administrators- Principal , Assistant Principal, Dean
  • Counselors
  • Teachers


What can I do if I want to be a leader at school? 

Leadership Opportunities: Ask your teacher how to get involved.

  • National Junior Honor Society
  • Student Council
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Other Clubs, Activities and Sports


Cortney Junior High School Phone List 799-2400 

Principal, David Rose

  • Secretary, Jody Watson……………………………..4100

Assistant Principal, Amy Brown

  • Secretary, Roxanne Smith……………………………..4200

Assistant Principal, Christopher Miller & Shalis Johnson

  • Secretary, Rosa Marmol………………………………….4500


  • Christian Velasquez (6th Grade) ………………………….4301
  • Jessica Robinson (7th Grade) ………………………………4302
  • Stacy Parr (8th Grade) ………………………………………..4303

Attendance, Kristi Fix ……………………………….4035

Library,Corinna Gledhill……………………………………4026

Registrar, Kay Harrison…………………………………….4065

Sp. Ed. Facilitator, Gail Mattson………………………..4032


How can I meet with a school counselor?

Call the office to set up an appointment