Student Links

Welcome to the Student Links Resource page. Here students will find links to websites designed to help them be successful in all their classes. Click on a link above to see academic resources or learn how to protect yourself and your family online through Internet Safety. Click on a link below to view more general information topics.

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Website Description


10 things to know when getting started in Canvas including links.
Homework Hotline This site provides information on Homework Hotline. Students can call four (4) days a week between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. to receive helpful instruction on tough homework assignments.
Expert Space Students can use Expert Space to take notes, create a bibliography, and store information online.
Nevada Career Information System This site is designed to help students learn about different careers. Students can take an interest survey to help find a career they might enjoy.
SECTA Students can learn more information about the South East Career Technical Academy. A free productivity suite (word processor, database, spreadsheet, presentation software etc.) that can be downloaded and installed on most computers including Apple’s Mac computers. This site is designed as a resource tool for parents, students and teachers. Located at the top of the site is a dictionarythesaurusSpanish/English translationword games, and videos. Located at the bottom of the site is a list of other Merriam-Webster’s Dictionaries: Learner’s ESL Dictionary, Visual Dictionary, and Word Central for Kids.
Visual Dictionary Snappy Words visual dictionary is an easy-to-use online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that provides the meanings of words or phrases, generates synonyms, and draws connections to associated words. Simply type a word in the search box and click “GO.” At-home activities for students and parents–Families and kids of all ages will find excellent resources for practice, play, projects and reports on Search for a specific topic, or choose from recommended activities, maps, games, reading lists and homework help. Students can use this site to find links to government and other kids’ sites — Explore, learn, and have fun!
BBC’s skillswise This Website is designed to help improve a student’s English and math skills.
Ripple Effects Mac OSX Ripple Effects Behavior Software for Macintosh Computers
Ripple Effects Windows Ripple Effects Behavior Software for Windows Computers
Student Thesaurus
Free online thesaurus: Synonyms, Meaning, Similar Words, Definition